Online Training

What is resilience?

Being resilient doesn’t mean you won’t experience adversity, but having resilience can buffer the adverse effects of stressful life events. Individuals who use a broad range of coping strategies and proactive self-care practices are often better able to deal with stressful life events.

Developing resilience is both complex and personal. It involves a combination of inner strengths and outer resources. There isn’t a universal formula for becoming more resilient. All people are different and you will need to work out what strategies and tools best support you during challenging times.

The VUCA world we live in

You may not have heard of the term VUCA, but it is an acronym that was first used in 1987, developed from the leadership theories of Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus. The military quickly picked up on the concept, as did the world of business.

So, what does VUCA stand for?

V: Volatility
U: Uncertainty
C: Complexity
A: Ambiguity

Please watch this short video which explains the concept of VUCA.

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