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National wage case means cut to service provision
June 30, 2020
On 19 June 2020, the Fair Work Commission handed down their annual wage review decision. The Commission decision is that minimum wages in modern awards will be increased by 1.75% from the start of the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2020 for Group 1 Awards (SHCADS is a Group 1 Award).
While community organisations are only too happy to increase staff pay, there is no doubt that, without funding to cover it, the decision will put added pressure on community sector budgets. Especially since the rate of indexation for NSW funded programs did not cover the previous annual wage review.
Community Industry Group has written to the NSW Treasurer and to the Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services requesting an immediate increase in funding for all NSW government funded community services to enable them to pay the increase and continue to deliver services to their client groups.
We encourage you to do the same.
Below are some template letters for you to put on letterhead and email to the Treasurer and Minister. Feel free to use the text as is, or to personalise it by telling the NSW government about the impact of yet another pressure on your organisational budget.