Latest Training Sessions

September 19, 2017

Local Partnership Projects

Local Partnership Projects The Tenant Participation Resource Service is launching a new project to assist organisations supporting social housing tenants and applicants on the social housing waiting list. Local Partnership Projects provides resourcing and support to community groups and organisations for small initiatives that address the needs of this target group; supporting them to become engaged in their communities; and increasing their skills and resources to participate in community life. Projects could include community engagement events, skills training or providing volunteering opportunities. Applying for funding through the Local Partnerships Projects is a very simple 3 step process. Simply submit a project idea on our 2 page form then complete your project and then tell us how it went. Feel free to contact TPRS to discuss possible projects or for more information click here.
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September 18, 2017

Active Ageing Conference

Active Ageing Conference, Melbourne Our Policy and Project Officer – Regional Issues, Amadis Lacheta, recently attended the Active Ageing Conference in Melbourne, which had a strong focus on Wellness & Reablement (W&R). The conference provided inspiration and best practice case studies to better support the uptake of W&R with service providers across Australia. Throughout the day various presentations were conducted on the importance of open communication to tease out a client’s aspirations and strengths, how better questions can both inform the goals and care plans for elderly people to facilitate their best quality of life, and also improve the culture of service providers to adopt a more enabling approach. Other presenters focused on person-centred measurement tools that complement the NASF (National Assessment & Screening Form), a comparison of how well W&R have been integrated into policy and practice in New Zealand, Denmark, the UK and Australia, the importance of resistance training [...]
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September 6, 2017

Industry Breakfast – Energy & Water Affordability

Thank you to everyone who attended our Industry Breakfast on Tuesday 5th September at The Woolshed, Yallah. Participants enjoyed hearing from Helen Ford, General Manager of Governance, Awareness & Policy, Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW speak about the critical issue of energy and water affordability.
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August 29, 2017

Governance training with Illawarra Koori Men’s Support Group

Sarah Wilson and Sarah Gadd spent a great morning last week with the Board of the Illawarra Koori Men’s Support Group, helping them to refresh their knowledge of governance, and look at future improvements. It was a real pleasure to work with such a knowledgeable, committed and passionate group. If you would like Illawarra Forum to run a session for your Board on Governance, Risk Management or Finances please get in touch.

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July 26, 2017

Targeted Earlier Intervention Consultative Committee

Thank you to all of the services and the board members who attended our Targeted Earlier Intervention Program (TEIP) information events in the Illawarra and the Shoalhaven. It was great to hear from you, answer your questions and assist in addressing any concerns and information gaps. The Targeted Earlier Intervention Consultative Committee (TEICC) are continuing to work on the District Planning Framework that includes the planning principles, people, places and outcomes. The next step is to consult with services regarding the draft framework and embark on local planning with services funded under the TEIP.  This is an exciting time in the process when services get plan collaboratively on how to achieve the kind of communities wanted in the future. These place based planning sessions are due to commence in August.  FaCs will be informing services of dates and locations over the coming weeks.

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July 26, 2017


Several Illawarra Forum staff members attended the annual Illawarra NAIDOC Awards held on Saturday 22 July 2017. This inspiring event is an opportunity for communities, businesses and organisations to celebrate the contribution and achievements of Aboriginal communities in Wollongong, Shellharbour, Kiama and Shoalhaven Local Government Areas. Congratulations to all the Award winners: Young Achiever (Female)- Berrima Blakeney Young Achiever (Male)- Mark Hudson Worker of the Year- Kirili Saunders Volunteer of the Year- John Keith Williams Elder of the Year (Female)- Aunty Bev Armer Elder of the Year (Male) Uncle Ivan Ardler Organisation of the Year- Cullunghutti Child and Family Centre Outstanding Contribution to Reconciliation- Djirang Dance Ensemble We would also like to congratulate all nominees, including Joni Braham, a previous Illawarra Forum employee, who was nominated for the Outstanding Contribution to Reconciliation Award.

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