Latest Training Sessions

March 9, 2021

Time Management – Breakfast Series, Nowra

Book in now for our Time Management (with breakfast!) training. Wednesday, 5 May 202, 8:30am – 10:30am Nowra School of Arts, 12 Berry Street, Nowra Learn to set goals that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Timely), use systems for prioritising effectively and improve productivity for yourself and other through effective time management techniques, all while enjoying a delicious breakfast. At the end of the training you will: Improve productivity for yourself and others through effective time management techniques Competently select and use a system for prioritising goals and tasks Prepare work schedules and learn to prioritise according to importance and urgency Set goals that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Timely Click here to book your ticket.  

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March 4, 2021

March 2021 Training & Events

Community Industry Group is pleased to announce our training and events for March 2021 including: Four Legs Not for Profit Leadership Program Understand and Respond to Hoarding and Squalor Breakfast Series: Time Management Aboriginal Recruitment and Retention Toolkit Training Click here for a printable flyer. Click here for a flyer with booking links.  

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February 15, 2021

Understanding & Responding to Hoarding and Squalor Situations: An Introduction

Monday 8 March 2021  Module 1: 10am -11am Monday 15 March 2021 Module 2: 10am – 11am We are offering an online course on Understanding & Responding to Hoarding and Squalor Situations: An Introduction, in March 2021. Support providers often encounter challenging situations involving hoarding and squalor. Responding appropriately requires a fundamental understanding of hoarding disorder and its underlying causes. This on-line training will take place over two days and consist of 2 x one hour live facilitated discussions with a self paced reading package. Click here for more information.

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February 2, 2021

Protecting Mental Health Grants

The Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD) Health Promotion Service is partnering with Community Industry Group to offer one-off seeding grants. Eligible not-for-profit community organisations within the Illawarra-Shoalhaven region can apply for funding for local project activities supporting mental health and physical wellbeing. Funding of up to $2000 is available. Background Information – Protecting Mental Health Grants Application Form – Protecting Mental Health Grants  

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February 1, 2021

Illawarra South Coast Aged & Disability Services Workforce Forum

Illawarra South Coast Aged & Disability Services Workforce Forum, Tuesday 16 February 2021, 8:30–10:30am. Aged and disability service providers are facing significant challenges attracting the right staff who are suitable and safe for direct support work. The Illawarra Workforce Action Group (IWAG) invites you to this online forum with representatives from a range of organisations related to the sector including: Residential and community support service providers Registered training providers Local Health District Government agencies The forum will drive discussion on aligning workforce strategies and priorities for providers in the region and seek to gain commitment across participating organisations to a Charter of Collaboration to strengthen the aged and disability service sectors. Click here to book your ticket now. Click here to view the agenda.

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January 14, 2021

2021 Calendar with Parliament Sitting Dates

We’ve created a 2021 Calendar that includes the Parliament of NSW Sitting Dates and the NSW School holidays. Click here to download your pdf version.  

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January 5, 2021

Happy New Year!

We are back in the office and look forward to working with, and advocating for our members in 2021. Community Industry Group: Voice – Influence – Leadership

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December 21, 2020

Season’s Greetings from the Community Industry Group team!

Wishing you all a happy, safe and healthy festive season. We look forward to working with you, advocating for you and bringing you, our members, lots of professional development opportunities, conferences and information sessions in 2021. The Community Industry Group office will be closed from 25 December 2020 and will reopen on Monday 4 January 2021.
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November 25, 2020

It’s been a big year!

Check out this short video highlighting all the work the Community Industry Group team achieved in the 19/20 Financial Year.

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November 12, 2020

Local Jobs Program Representation

Our CEO, Nicky Sloan, has been appointed to the Local Jobs and Skills Taskforce for the Illawarra South Coast region. The Local Jobs Program supports tailored approaches to accelerate reskilling, upskilling and employment in 25 regions across Australia. The program will provide for 25 Employment Facilitators across 25 regions, a Local Jobs and Skills Taskforce in each region, a Local Jobs Plan developed for each region and projects funded through a Local Recovery Fund in each of these regions. Click here for more information about the representatives for the Illawarra South Coast region. View the Local Jobs fact sheet here.

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November 11, 2020

Leadership Program for New and Emerging Leaders

To support the NFP sector across Southern NSW, Community Industry Group are extending an Expression of Interest for participants in a leadership program we would like to offer across the region commencing in March 2021. The Four Legs Leadership Program is a holistic leadership program designed to provide participants with the tools, skills and insights to build resilient, innovative and collaborative teams and deliver outstanding results. Exceptional leadership is the ability to deeply understand and effectively manage yourself, even in the most challenging times and create a psychologically safe environment where your teams can thrive and consistently deliver their best work. It’s about how you are able to influence all of the stakeholders you connect with. For more information please see: Community Industry Group EOI form and brochure here. Four legs brochure here. Expression of Interest Applications close 13 November 2020.  

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November 9, 2020


NAIDOC Week 2020 runs from 8 to 15 November and the theme this year is Always Was, Always Will Be. Community Industry Group recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years and are proud of our ongoing commitment to support and promote NAIDOC week events. To find out about NAIDOC week events in your area click here.

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October 15, 2020

EOI – Aboriginal Cultural Immersion Training Program

Community Industry Group is calling for expressions of interest from Aboriginal people and organisations to be contracted as a Consultant as part of the Aboriginal Cultural Immersion Training Program (ACITP). The ACITP aims to prepare leaders and staff of non-Aboriginal organisations to engage with and work with Aboriginal people, families, children and communities through developing a greater understanding of the impact of structural racism on Aboriginal people. As part of the ACITP you will deliver workshops to non-government and government organisations working with vulnerable people and communities in the Illawarra Shoalhaven District. To read the full Expression of Interest document please click here.

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October 14, 2020

Annual General Meeting invitation

We invite you to attend our AGM. It will be held on Tuesday 24 November 2020 commencing at 10am, featuring guest speakers, Dennis Moriarty and Dan Nahum. Join us as they discuss life after COVID-19 and the role of our community services. Click here for further details.      

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October 14, 2020

What we do video

We created this short video to highlight what we do as a peak body organisation for our members. Check out the other videos on our YouTube channel here.

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October 14, 2020

2020/21 Highlights from the Federal Budget – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

This year’s federal budget announcement contains a mix of the good, the bad, and the downright ugly for the region’s many vulnerable residents and for the region’s hard working community services organisations, according to the Community Industry Group, the peak body for community services in southern NSW. Tax cuts for people on low and middle incomes will mean more in the pay packets of many of the hard working people in the community services industry. However unemployment is high across the Illawarra and NSW South Coast, and we must remember that tax cuts do nothing for those who don’t have jobs. It was good to see some new opportunities in the important community housing sector, but a higher investment in the social housing sector as well would have provided a real economic stimulus for the region. The doubling of free mental health therapy sessions from 10 to 20 is welcomed, particularly […]

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October 12, 2020

Annual General Meeting

We are very excited to have two Special Guest Speakers at our (virtual) Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 24 November at 10am. Addressing the theme REimagine, REenergise, REsilience we are pleased to introduce to you Dan Nahum & Denis Moriarty to talk about their observations on the future of community services post pandemic. Dan Nahum is Economist with the Centre for Future Work. His research interests include industrial transformation, labour markets in low-carbon economies, government finances, and inequity and inequality. Previous to joining the Centre for Future Work, he held roles in the Australian government in various social and economic policy fields, including Indigenous Affairs and the Office for Women. He holds a Masters of Political Economy from the University of Sydney, where he focused on the moral dimensions of climate change, and an Honours degree from Macquarie University. Denis Moriarty is the Group Managing Director of the Our Community […]

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September 24, 2020

TEI Program Logics

The Department of Communities and Justice have developed a highly interactive learning module to help organisations understand and develop program logics. It has functionalities that allow users to pause and check their understanding, embedded links to key targeted earlier intervention resources and examples of program logic. Click here for more information.

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September 17, 2020

Social Isolation Survey

The impacts of social isolation have become a major concern since restrictions have been put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. For many people living on low-incomes, such as those with part time or casual positions, or people receiving income support payments like JobSeeker, it can be difficult to participate in social activities. Clothing, food or ticket prices can be out of reach for many people and even having friends over for dinner can be outside of the budget. Community Industry Group is conducting a survey to gain an understanding of how people keep connected when they’re struggling on insufficient income. Please participate in our survey, it is anonymous and should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. 

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September 2, 2020

Rental Affordability Snapshot – Special Update

Anglicare Australia has released a Special Update to their Rental Affordability Snapshot. The Snapshot highlights the lived experience of looking for housing on a low income, focussing on those on government payments or earning minimum wage. The report details a major disconnect between commentary on the rental market and how it works for those hardest hit by the pandemic. Affordability has actually become worse for people on low incomes. Governments need to take real action to ensure every Australian has a home. Click here to read the report.

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August 20, 2020

Bushfire Recommendation Campaign – We need your help!

South East NSW Bushfire Crisis – Impact, Response & Recovery Report Community Industry Group recently released the South East NSW Bushfire Crisis – Impact, Response & Recovery Report.  We worked directly with service providers in disaster-affected areas, and heard first-hand accounts of the impact on individuals, families and communities. We have heard about what has been and is currently being done, what should be done, and how bushfire affected communities are recovering and rebuilding. Our report also includes seven recommendations for recovery. Employment Issues Children, Families and Young People Aged Services Disability Housing and Homelessness Mental Health Community Development and Support Click here for our printable Recommendation Summary flyer. We are advocating for the recommendations to be implemented and encourage community service organisations and individuals to get involved. We need your help to get these recommendations implemented. We have created a template letter that you can use to send to your […]

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August 19, 2020

Grant Finder Portal

We have received funding through the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) for a regional custom grant portal. NGOs will be able to visit the portal to find grant opportunities which are available in our region. Each grant will be summarised in a one-page template, and the portal will include search, planning and automated notification functionality. Members will be able to create a profile on the portal to store their grant info and preferences, and notifications will be sent when appropriate grants are available. The portal is accessible now and we will run training soon to help people navigate the site and get the maximum usage from it. We would like to give our grateful thanks to our funding partners, DCJ, for partnering with us to bring this great resource to our region. Click here to view the grant finder portal.

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August 19, 2020

Save Social Work campaign

On 17 June 2020 the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment released a discussion paper Job-Ready Graduates Higher Education Reform Package 2020. The paper notes that Commonwealth subsidy for social work will drop and student contribution will rise from $6,684 to $14,500 per year. These changes will exacerbate already critical shortages of qualified Social Workers. The Save Social Work campaign is being undertaken by the Australian Council of Heads of Schools of Social Work to encourage the Federal Government to reverse its decision about the funding formula for Social Work degrees. Signing the petition here  Questions about the campaign can be directed to

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August 11, 2020

Recommendation 5: Housing and Homelessness

South East NSW Bushfire Crisis – Impact, Response & Recovery Report Community Industry Group recently released the South East NSW Bushfire Crisis – Impact, Response & Recovery Report.  We worked directly with service providers in disaster-affected areas, and heard first-hand accounts of the impact on individuals, families and communities. We have heard about what has been and is currently being done, what should be done, and how bushfire affected communities are recovering and rebuilding. Our report also includes seven recommendations for recovery. Employment Issues Children, Families and Young People Aged Services Disability Housing and Homelessness Mental Health Community Development and Support We are advocating for the recommendations to be implemented and encourage community service organisations and individuals to get involved. For more information click here. Recommendation 5 – Housing and Homelessness Our recommendation is $5 million per year for 5 years ($25m) additional program funding for services which support communities in […]

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