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NSW Indexation Campaign
June 27, 2019
Organisations which receive funding from Family and Community Services NSW have been advised that they will receive indexation of just 1.75% for the next financial year. This rate is the lowest in many years, and will have direct impacts on staffing and therefore on service delivery.
The National Wage Decision this year was for an increase of 3% for workers employed under the Award. This means a deficit of 1.25% for wages alone, let alone all of the other costs associated with delivering services.
We urge you to write to the Premier, to the Treasurer, to the Minister for Family and Community Services, and to your local MPs to ask for a review of this indexation rate.
We have drafted template letters below. Please feel free to use these as a basis for your own correspondence. Feel free to change and to personalise them as you see fit.
We need to stand together to ensure that we receive sufficient funds to deliver vital services for vulnerable people.