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Community Service Awards

We Do Magic Community Service Awards

A great night was had by all at the glittering We Do Magic Community Service Awards held at the Novotel Wollongong on Friday 4th June 2021.

Our members came from across the Illawarra and far south coast to celebrate the magic performed in order to continue to offer critical support to vulnerable people.

The pressures from disasters like drought, bushfires, floods, and a global pandemic have dramatically impacted the lives of the most vulnerable individuals, families and communities. Demand for community support has dramatically increased in areas such as homelessness, food relief, mental health, and domestic and family violence over the past 18 months.

Community service providers have gone to extraordinary lengths to meet this demand and incredible stories of service, innovation and collaboration were heard and celebrated. While category winners were announced, it certainly was a night to celebrate absolutely everyone who works in the sector.

What a night! Congratulations to all our nominees and winners!

  Brilliant Idea Individual Leonie Way, Greenacres Disability Services
  Brilliant Idea Team SENTRAL Youth Services Team, Kiama Council
  Brilliant Idea Team Staff Team, The Family Place
  Above & Beyond Individual Maxyne Graham, Warrawong Residents Forum
  Above & Beyond Individual Rachael McPhail, The Disability Trust
  Above & Beyond Team Management and Volunteers, A Taste of Paradise Organic Farm
  Above & Beyond Team Homelessness Program, Age Matters
  Transformation & Reinvention Small (<5) Terri Rowe and Louise Croker, Illawarra Interagency
  Transformation & Reinvention Big (5+) Property Team, Warrigal
  Transformation & Reinvention Whole Organisation South East Women & Children’s Services Inc
  Transformation & Reinvention Whole Organisation Noah’s Inclusion Services  Therapy Team, Noah’s Inclusions Services
  Terrific Team Effort Small Admin Team, Wollongong Meals on Wheels
  Terrific Team Effort Big Lifeline South Coast
  Terrific Team Effort Big Young Mentors Program, Living Connected
  Friends in Need The Flagstaff Group and Wests Illawarra
  Friends in Need Bellambi Neighbourhood Centre and Partners

Thank you to everyone who nominated 🙂 

We hope you had a magical night celebrating the wonderful work you do for the community and the sector.

Enjoy looking through the photo gallery below. To save an image, right click and select “save image as”.

Our Sponsors

With many thanks to our sponsors for making this event possible.


Need more information? Please call on 02 4256 4333 or email at