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Your Data Exchange (DEX) questions
July 28, 2021
Our Project and Policy Officer, Mel Breuker, can help answer your DEX related questions. One commonly asked question is, ‘How many clients do I need to report SCOREs for?’.
In the Target Early Intervention (TEI) program, SCORE (Standard Client/Community Outcomes Reporting) should be reported for the majority of your clients. Circumstances, Goals and Satisfaction SCORE are used to report outcomes for individual clients. Community SCORE is used to report outcomes for groups or community activities (i.e. unidentified group clients).
- Recording SCORE Circumstances SCORE and/or Goals SCORE: An initial and at least one subsequent Circumstance SCORE should be recorded for at least 50% of individual clients.
- Satisfaction SCORE: At least 10% of individual clients, per reporting period should be recorded.
- Community SCORE: The community SCORE should be recorded for the majority of group or community activities where it is not feasible to record SCORE for individual clients.
Please note that service providers are encouraged to collect SCORE information, where appropriate, from a larger proportion of clients to ensure their sample is representative. Services will not be penalised if they cannot meet the 50% requirements if a genuine attempt has been made to record client outcomes.
The full DEX documentation from the Dept of Communities and Justice can be accessed here. Contact Mel on if you have any DEX queries.