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CHSP grant funding
March 2, 2020
Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) unsolicited proposals for bushfire affected providers
Australia’s bushfires have been devastating for many and the Department of Health has advised they wish to recognise the ongoing effort of CHSP providers in assisting with the bushfire response and recovery in affected areas.
The department is aware the bushfires may have significantly impacted providers’ ability to deliver CHSP services. As such, they would like to remind CHSP providers they may submit an unsolicited proposal for additional grant funding where the provision of services has been significantly impacted. This is for existing CHSP providers and services only and is not available for new services.
CHSP providers may submit a business case outlining the following:
• summary of how the bushfire has directly impacted CHSP service delivery
• capacity for ongoing management of the funds
• information about relevant service types
• requested funding amount for the unsolicited proposal (available until 30 June 2020).
The business case for the unsolicited proposal should be emailed to If providers have any questions about their ongoing CHSP service delivery capacity in fire affected areas, they can contact the Department of Social Services, Community Grants Hub Funding Arrangement Manager in their state or territory.
For other information about bushfire recovery efforts, please visit the National Bushfire Recovery Agency website.