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A visit from the Minister
September 3, 2019
Community Industry Group was pleased to host The Hon Gareth Ward MP, Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services at a meeting with members of the Illawarra Disability Alliance (IDA) on Friday 30 August 2019.
The Minister spoke at length about his vision for disability services in NSW, and about his role on the Disability Reform Council, a Council of Australian Governments (COAG) forum for member Governments to progress key national reform in disability policy including the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), and to oversee reforms that are implemented through the National Disability Agreement and the National Disability Strategy to support people with disability, their families and carers.
Members of the IDA had the opportunity to raise issues which are impacting on their clients and communities, and on their organisations. The Minister showed a willingness to continue to advocate strongly for people with disability in NSW. Pleasingly, he announced his intention to ensure that accessibility at Unanderra Train Station would be achieved during this term of government.
The Minister also addressed several other matters of concern to the broader community services sector, including his continued lobbying for an increase in indexation for NSW Communities and Justice funded services.