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Media Release – Affordable Housing a key issue in 2019 NSW election
March 6, 2019
Community Industry Group is calling for access to safe, secure and affordable housing to be recognised as a key driver for social and economic outcomes by candidates in the upcoming NSW election.
“Access to safe, accessible and affordable housing is the number one issue affecting families on low incomes in NSW,” said Nicky Sloan, CEO of Community Industry Group. “The reality is, that with waiting lists for social housing exceeding ten years, many people on welfare or on minimum wage are trying to navigate the private rental market. We need incentives to encourage more affordable private rental properties as well as an urgent investment in social housing.”
“A safe, secure, long term home is a foundation for better social, economic and health outcomes,” Ms Sloan said. “Children are healthier, happier and achieve better educational outcomes when they know they have a secure long-term home to go to. They become less stressed, so their health and behaviour improves. They make friends when they know they have a home to bring them back to, and they won’t be moving away from these friends at short notice.”
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