Latest News
2019 NSW Election Platform
February 11, 2019
Community Industry Group will be keeping you up to date with the 2019 NSW election news, focussing on the issues that affect those working with the community services sector and vulnerable individuals in our community.
- The Candidates
- Resources to assist members
- The Issues
- Questions from our members
- The Promises calculator
Message from the CEO
This is an important year in the political future of our state and our nation. Having a state election and a federal election in the one year brings the opportunity to highlight to our future representatives and leaders the issues which are important to our members and to their clients and communities, and to seek their commitment to address these issues in meaningful ways.
The community services industry is at the vortex of a cataclysmic collision of reforms and direction changes at present. Last year marked a quarter of a century of service by Community Industry Group (Illawarra Forum) to community organisations and the communities they serve, and our inception occurred at just such a moment.
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