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Wellness and Reablement
August 21, 2018
The Nous Group were engaged by the Department of Health in early 2017 to conduct a comprehensive review of Wellness & Reablement (W&R) approaches within the home care sector, including CHSP services, Home Care Packages, Transition Care, the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Programme and Short Term Restorative Care.
A summary of these consultations is now available, and key findings include:
- There is strong support for W&R approaches, and some great examples are emerging across the country. However, W&R approaches are not yet deeply embedded or consistently applied across the home care sector.
- Australia is home to international W&R trailblazers, with Victoria and WA already having W&R embedded in their programs for some time now.
- A lack of financial incentives is a constraint for some providers.
- Implementation progress varies across the five home care service types.
- Culture change remains the key challenge, with aged clients being the least prepared of all those involved in supporting W&R.
The review heard consistently that, if W&R approaches are to be embedded, addressing the attitudes and concerns of consumers and carers will be critical. Despite the challenges, the review’s consumer survey responses also indicated a desire among consumers to learn about W&R, with 65% of respondents saying they would like to know more. This suggests that well-designed communications would find a ready audience.
You can view the summary here: W&R Summary of Consultations – Nous Group