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Wellness & Reablement Update
August 7, 2018
Wellness & Reablement Update
With Wellness & Reablement (W&R) now an official requirement of all CHSP contracts, providers need to start measuring how they are supporting clients through a W&R approach to services. On 31 October each year, providers will need to submit an Annual Wellness Report covering assessment, support planning and service delivery. A new Wellness & Reablement Reporting Template will be distributed to providers by the end of August, so you will have a better idea of what information the Department of Health requires.
The Government have allocated $5 billion over 5 years for the More Choices for a Longer Life Package, and $29.2 million of this funding will be used to promote independent living, with a reablement focused assessment model being trialled across four RAS locations over a 2-year period. Training and support for the trial RAS sites will be provided, based on the successful WA Active Assessment Model, which includes an initial reablement stage prior to referral for ongoing service delivery. Concurrent evaluation will be conducted throughout the trial period to assess the effectiveness of the revised assessment model, comparing the results of client outcomes between trial and non-trial regions.
The Department of Health will also be developing a range of resources and supports to assist service providers, as well as older Australians and their families and carers to better understand the benefits of W&R approaches to care. Community Industry Group will continue to work with providers to embed W&R within their organisations and service culture.
To support more equitable payment for services across the aged care system, new CHSP Client Contribution Guidelines will also be available in the near future.
For further information on implementing a Wellness Approach, please click here for the ‘Living Well at Home’ CHSP Good Practice Guide.