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Department of Health Webinar Updates for Aged Services
February 20, 2018
The latest Department of Health Webinar Updates for Aged Services were released on 14 February 2018. See our summary below:
My Aged Care Operational Update – Release 10, December 2017, improvements:
- Changes to reduce clients having their packages withdrawn.
- Capacity to transfer clients between same service outlets, without MAC contact centre involvement.
- Incoming referrals process improved for service providers.
- Release 11 will be active 26 February 2018.
- Improvements in service providers listing availability of current services, service types and inability to provide services.
My Assessor App:
- ACAT can now refer and register clients via the app, which follows the same template as the MAC Assessor Portal.
- Important that assessors search for a client record prior to creating a potential duplicate record.
- Only ACAT can use the app at this point, however RAS usage is in the pipeline.
- Improved management of client status for assessors and service providers, such as when a person passes away. This will free up places in the queue more efficiently.
Next Report:
- The data report for Q4 2017 will be available in the next couple of weeks.
- Currently 100,000 plus people are in the queue.
- 40,000 of these people have been allocated interim packages.
Home Care Consumer Readiness letter is now being provided, as:
- A number of clients have been slow to activate their HCP.
- Clients are not opting out if they no longer want a HCP.
- Clients are not choosing their service provider quickly enough.
NSAF Review:
- First NSAF created in 2015, and was the first nationally consistent assessment form.
- As per the Tune Review Report, the NSAF will be altered to make it more efficient and easier for assessors and clients.
- 320 responses to the NSAF consultation were received.
- More free text fields for the capturing conversational client information (less proscriptive).
- Assessor and service provider training to use the new NSAF will be provided.
Aged Care Quality Standards:
- Aim, to have a single set of Aged Care standards, improve standards assessment, provide clear information to consumers about their rights and choices.
- Reviewed to enable consistency, minimise duplication.
- Consumers will play a more active role in the assessment of how standards are met.
Draft Standards:
1. Consumer dignity and choice
2. Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers
3. Personal care and clinical care
4. Services and supports for daily living
5. Organisation’s service environment
6. Feedback and complaints
7. Human resources
8. Organisational governance
For more detailed information, visit: Draft ACQ Standards
Standards will be law by 1 July 2018, however service providers will have until 1 July 2019 to fully transition.
A guide for the new ACQ Standards will be available post Easter 2018.