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Active Ageing Conference

September 18, 2017

Active Ageing Conference, Melbourne

Our Policy and Project Officer – Regional Issues, Amadis Lacheta, recently attended the Active Ageing Conference in Melbourne, which had a strong focus on Wellness & Reablement (W&R). The conference provided inspiration and best practice case studies to better support the uptake of W&R with service providers across Australia.

Throughout the day various presentations were conducted on the importance of open communication to tease out a client’s aspirations and strengths, how better questions can both inform the goals and care plans for elderly people to facilitate their best quality of life, and also improve the culture of service providers to adopt a more enabling approach.

Other presenters focused on person-centred measurement tools that complement the NASF (National Assessment & Screening Form), a comparison of how well W&R have been integrated into policy and practice in New Zealand, Denmark, the UK and Australia, the importance of resistance training exercise for physical strength, balance and better cognitive function, allied health support programs, the use of technology to support healthy mental and social activity, social reablement and volunteer programs and collaborative approaches to facilitating better outcomes for elderly people and the many organisations and groups that support them.

The Illawarra Forum will be offering programs to support CHSP service providers to better engage their elderly clients from a W&R approach. If you are interested in participating, please let us know via:
