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  • Along the Way – Enabling Individuals (Book)


    Member Price: Free
    Non-Member Price: $30.00

    An image rich booklet featuring stories and images from local service providers and clients that demonstrates enablement in action. Illawarra Forum members receive a 100% discount on the full price (however postage costs will be charged). Use your unique member code at checkout to receive the discount.

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  • Enablement Toolkit (full kit)


    Member Price: Free
    Non-Member Price: $200.00

    The Enablement Kit is designed to assist organisations to fully implement the Enablement Approach into every day service delivery, offering clients more holistic, person centred and goal focused supports that aim to regain or maintain health and skills.


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  • Enabling Individuals Hints and Tips Z Card (set of 5)


    Member Price: First set free, additional set $5
    Non-Member Price: $10.00

    Wallet sized Z cards targeted at practitioners to reinforce enablement principles and provide examples of good practice. Illawarra Forum members can get their first set free. Additional sets $5. Use your unique member code at checkout to receive the discount.

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  • Poster: Organisational Roles


    Member Price: Free
    Non-Member Price: $15.00

    One of the most common questions we are asked at Illawarra Forum is where the role of staff versus board start and end. This graphic representation of organisational roles can be put up at staff and board meetings as a quick reference point during meetings to keep discussions and decisions at the correct level. This poster is available free to Illawarra Forum members (postage payable). Use your unique member code at checkout to receive the discount.

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