Online Training

Volunteering for employable skills

Volunteering while you are unemployed, underemployed or taking a career break can be a great idea to boost confidence and even gain some new skills.

  • Volunteering can give you an opportunity to try new things and discover new passions. This is particularly relevant if you are unsure where your future career will take you. Ensure you choose an organisation that aligns with your goals.
  • Volunteering can increase your employability by giving you new skills and knowledge. Learning while you are a volunteer can be less stressful than a paid role, giving you time to learn and practice new skills.
  • You can build your professional and personal networks in an informal way. This can often lead to job opportunities or give you access to referees for your resume.
  • Volunteering can demonstrate to future employers that you are committed and proactive, showing that you are self-motivated and willing to help others.
  • Regularly volunteering can give your life structure and get you ready for the routine of working life. It can also boost your self-esteem and confidence which will help with those job interviews.

Volunteering Statistics

In the 2016 census it was revealed that the rates of volunteering are highest in the 45-54 year age group. Overall, 19% of the population (aged over 15 years) were engaged in voluntary work.

Not a good fit

Volunteer hosting organisations understand that sometimes the role isn’t a good fit or your circumstances might change. Just let your team leader or volunteer supervisor know about the change in your availability or if there are other issues as soon as possible.

National Standards of Volunteering Involvement

The National Standards have been developed in consultation with the volunteering sector to support the involvement of volunteers and act as a resource for organisations in which volunteers are involved. They provide a framework for organisations to consider the role of volunteers within the organisation and the impact effective volunteer involvement can have on achieving the strategic goals and aims of the organisation.

Click here for a copy of the standards.

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